Fort Sill is served by two substations which are co-owned by AEP and Fort Sill. Sheridan Road Substation is the older substation and serves overhead distribution lines. Mow-Way substation is the newer substation and serves underground distribution feeders. All circuits are radial and there is presently no electrical interconnection between the two substations on the Fort Sill grounds. Over a four (4) year period Fort Sill had 129 power outages for various reasons (maintenance, weather, animals and other). Fort Sill critical missions require reduced vulnerability to disruptions of the commercial grid. The current facilities do not presently exist to transfer loads between substations and mitigate down time.
AEC was tasked with providing engineering services to develop a design to reduce the power outages. The purpose is to provide interconnection between substation distribution feeders and enhance mission assurance by providing complete redundancy for feeders to 36MW of critical mission capacity. Work included trench/bore and installation of new underground conduit and electrical lines from feeders of the existing electrical substation to the new substation and to repair existing feeders, poles, conductors, switches and other related materials at existing substation as necessary.
The task was issued under an ID/IQ contract with the USACE Tulsa District.