CRAA Utility Corridor Relocation


Construction Budget
$ 0

To support the airport’s master plan, the underground utilities in the mid-field area of the airport required relocation and upgrade. Utilities in the area included gas, water, sanitary, electrical and communications cabling. This project enabled the site for development of a new consolidated rental car facility, a new parking garage, a new central utility plant, and a new passenger terminal. Due to the size of the project, and to allow other projects to move forward, the design was broken into two phases. Phase 1 included work in the International Gateway and North runway and taxiway areas. Phase 2 included work in the south runway and taxiway areas to support the future terminal.

AEC provided electrical engineering designs as part of a larger engineering team. Scope of work included development of engineering documents from the schematic design phase through bid documents for the medium voltage electrical distribution and roadway lighting systems. AEC coordinated with local utilities companies, including AEP, to ensure adequate power was available to support the airport’s growth.